3 Commonly Asked Questions About MRIs

Posted on: 10 September 2021

There are many diagnostic tests available for doctors, but one of the most common is still an MRI test. MRI tests are incredibly helpful at letting a doctor see what's going on inside your body without making an incision. If you would like to learn more, check out these three commonly asked questions about MRI scans. 1. Why Do You Need an MRI? An MRI is needed when the doctor needs to see what's going on inside your body. [Read More]

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Pediatric Surgeon

Posted on: 17 June 2021

Knowing that your child needs to have surgery can place quite a burden on your heart and mind. However, knowing that your child is in the hands of a great surgeon that you trust can make things a bit easier. But how do you select the right pediatric surgeon? Here are a few factors to consider. How does the pediatric surgeon interact with your child? Of course you want to select a surgeon who answers your questions and makes you feel comfortable. [Read More]

These Myths About Eating Disorder Treatments Are Simply Untrue

Posted on: 10 December 2020

Eating disorders can be incredibly dangerous. Not only can they lead to unhealthy weight loss, permanent damage to the digestive tract, and even death but typically they are a sign of some serious underlying trauma or mental health trouble. Thankfully, researchers are learning more and more about eating disorders, and there are eating disorder treatment programs available all through the country. However, there are still a few myths floating around about eating disorder treatment, and in order to ensure everyone has the right information to make smart healthcare decisions, it's important to clear up those myths. [Read More]

Why You Should Have Workplace Drug Testing

Posted on: 22 September 2020

Workplace drug testing should take place no matter what type of workplace it is. Drugs in one's system can cause a number of issues not only in the workplace itself but also on the road when this person drives into work or leaves work with drugs in their system. If you don't already drug test your employees, it's a good idea to start doing so. Read on for other reasons why this is so important. [Read More]