Spotting Signs of Hearing Trouble in Your Baby

Posted on: 3 April 2017

Although most hospitals conduct a newborn screening for hearing loss, babies born in a birthing center or at home may not have this test conducted. In addition, the newborn hearing screen may not detect subtle hearing loss that will become apparent later on. Understanding the signs of potential hearing loss in your newborn can help you spot trouble early and get treatment as soon as possible. Here are some of the things you should watch for at different developmental stages that may indicate that your baby has a hearing problem. [Read More]

3 Tips for Interviewing for an NICU Nursing Position

Posted on: 13 March 2017

Part of the hiring process for a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurse is the interview. Regardless of how much experience you have, a bad interview could sink your chances of being hired. To help you prepare for your upcoming interview, here are some tips for handling the questions you will be asked.   Review Your Background Although the interview will undoubtedly include questions about your future as an NICU nurse, you will be asked about your background. [Read More]

Tips For Bonding With Your Baby In The Neonatal Intensive Care Clinic

Posted on: 3 March 2017

If you have a baby that was just born and is medically very fragile, there is a good chance that you will not be able to take him or home from the hospital right away. Your baby might have been born prematurely or have some sort of disorder that caused his or her body to not develop fully in the womb, resulting in him or her needing a good deal of intensive care. [Read More]

Tips For Helping Your Spouse Cope With The Side Effects Of Radiation Therapy

Posted on: 3 October 2016

If your spouse was diagnosed with cancer, one of the treatment options the doctors might recommend is radiation therapy. This is a common form of treatment used for cancer, and it works by aiming radiation at the cancerous cells. The radiation can often kill these cells; however, there can be side effects with radiation therapy. Before your spouse begins radiation therapy, it might be good for you to understand what these side effects are so that you may be able to help him or her recover after the treatments. [Read More]