3 Tips for Interviewing for an NICU Nursing Position
Posted on: 13 March 2017
Part of the hiring process for a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurse is the interview. Regardless of how much experience you have, a bad interview could sink your chances of being hired. To help you prepare for your upcoming interview, here are some tips for handling the questions you will be asked.
Review Your Background
Although the interview will undoubtedly include questions about your future as an NICU nurse, you will be asked about your background. For instance, you could be asked about what led to your desire to work in the neonatal nursing field.
You need to be prepared to answer in-depth questions about your background. Take the time to review your work history, your resume, and your training. Due to the nature of the job, you will be asked about the most challenging aspects of the field you have faced and what you did to handle those. Practice your answers now to avoid stumbling for the right answer.
Create a List of Hypothetical Situations
During the interview, the interviewer might ask you to answer some questions about hypothetical situations that could occur in the NICU. Although you have no way of knowing what those questions will be, you can draw on your past experience to think about situations that could and did occur.
Once you have a list of situations, take the time to research the appropriate responses. Even if you are given an entirely different set of situations, you can use the research to help form your answers to the questions you are asked. For instance, if you studied how to handle an infant who is showing signs of distress, you should be able to handle a question about an infant struggling to breathe.
Work on Your Weaknesses
Take the time to assess your work experience and training to find out what are your weaknesses. Despite how much experience you have, there is some area in which you could improve. During the interview, if you are asked about those weaknesses, you want to be able to explain them and identify actions you can take to improve.
For instance, if you do not have considerable training in the NICU, you can explain that you will be enrolling in continuing education courses to help overcome the lack of experience.
If you are having trouble pinpointing your weaknesses, ask a former co-worker or other medical professional to help assess your experience. They can also help with finding answers to explain those weaknesses.
Working with an NICU at centers like Kidz Medical Services can be a rewarding experience, so make sure you are well-prepared for your interview.