Should You See The Eye Doctor?
Posted on: 7 May 2019
Are you ready to see the eye doctor? Do you see the optometrist on a regular basis or have you never been to the eye doctor before? Whether you have vision problems already or you have never been to the eye doctor before in your life, there may be reasons to see your vision specialist now. Here are signs you should see your eye doctor. Bring all vision concerns to your optometrist for immediate consideration.
You have frequent headaches
If you have frequent headaches and you've been to your general doctor and there have been no changes in the way you feel, then it's time to see your eye doctor. Your optometrist will give you an eye exam to see if your frequent headaches are indeed caused by something related to eye strain or may be connected to another issue. You should especially see your eye doctor if your vision has been blurry lately, you feel like you have double vision, you have issues focusing on things, or have other vision-related problems.
You already wear glasses
Do you already wear glasses? If so, then you need to see your eye doctor every year whether you feel your vision has changed or not. Seeing the optometrist is a great way to prevent your vision from worsening and to correct your vision problems as they occur. You can schedule your eye appointment every year when you see the eye doctor so you have your next appointment ready in advance, or just set aside a time yearly to get this annual need in. Sometimes it's best to get your eyes checked around the same time you get your yearly physical to help you remember.
If your glasses prescription has expired or you need new glasses, you can discuss new frames with your optometrist at your vision appointment.
You are getting older
You are more at risk for glaucoma, cataracts, and other issues as you get older. You should get your vision checked if you are at an advanced age. Your general doctor may tell you that you need to to the eye doctor and if they do, pay heed. Since age-related vision loss is unavoidable for most people, it's best to handle vision loss before it becomes a major concern and deal with any potential problems now. You can have surgery, receive medication, and have other treatments done to make your vision care more successful as you age.
For more information, contact eye clinics like Quality Eye Care.